Volunteering Opportunities
As seasoned race participants and volunteers, we all know that volunteers are the backbone of any successful race- which is why we're so excited you're interested in volunteering this spring for our WausaUltra Solo, Double, & Limitless weekend! Not only do volunteers help with logistics of the weekend by making sure that racers have what they need for food and drink aid/ clean areas to crash/ organized home base...but they are the energy that fuels our home base at 2 pm....8 pm....3 am when our racers are coming through into home base to find smiling, encouraging volunteers shoving a burrito in their hands with the encouraging words, that "yes, you can do another lap. see you at the top of the hour".
Yes, we- the race directors- couldn't do this event without you. But more importantly, we and our racers wouldn't want to- volunteers are who make the impossible, possible. Join our team and let's have a limitless party worth remembering! Below are a few things to remember about volunteering for our weekend:
Volunteers must be >18 yo (if younger, you need to be accompanied by someone >18 years old.)
Volunteer shifts are listed in 4 hour increments- if you would prefer to do longer, please simply sign up for multiple shifts. If you can only work a partial shift- please email us to arrange.
We will have the most race participants and need for volunteers on Friday morning- Saturday afternoon. After that, it will be up to our racers how long the race will go (last wo-man standing race). If you sign up for a shift Saturday night/Sunday morning, this may transform into a race tear-down/clean up position depending on how long our racers are running. We will text/call you if race finishes prior to your shift. Please email us with your preference for communication.
As a thank you for volunteering, you will get access to a free meal on Saturday (if you are not working on Saturday around lunch time, please come back for your meal!) in addition to some kind of WausaUltra swag!
Aid Station & Base Camp
Home base is going to be where it is all happening, and to do that- we'll need awesome folks like to you help out. Runners will be coming into the start/finish corral about every 4.167 miles and will be hungry/thirsty/hurting/smelly and in need of assistance. We'll count on you to make sure we keep the area stocked with food/drink, sanitized, and ready to go for their every need. We have now had some backyard Ultra racers running for >24 hours. As our race isn't over until the last wo(man) crosses the finish line to complete the race...your volunteer position may morph into a tear down/ help clean up volunteer position. We appreciate your flexibility!
Packet Pickups
It's race morning and our Backyard Ultra participants will be so excited to see your shining face. You will be responsible for checking racers in, giving them their corresponding bib number/race information, and correct size swag.
Setup & Parking
We have complete faith our runners will be able to see and navigate the course once they start...getting themselves set up prior? We'll definitely need your help for that. Your volunteer position will be to help guide crew/family/friends/racers to the field to set up their area. We'll also need help directing people where to park and keep everyone moving in the correct direction- toward the start!